Point Attributes
Point attributes were imported using Read CSV File option with some columns marked 'Attribute' in the template file.
This created point attributes like this
- Att1=Manhole - From first Attribute column, value='Manhole'
- Att2=10-Dec-2023 - From second Attribute column, value='10-Dec-2023'
In The Search option you could search for 'Att1' etc.
The problem with this system was that the Attribute Name was missing and a fake name 'Att1' was inserted.
Attribute Names
The Import CSV File option has three ways to set the Attribute Name.
- In the template, set the 'Attribute Name' text
- Tick 'Header Row' and it will automatically use the text in the header row.
- You can have CSV field vales like 'Date=10-Dec-2023' or 'Date:10-Dec-2023', and this will be split at the '=' or ':' to yield a Name and a Value
- If none of these approaches work, it will set the Name to 'Att1' etc.
So this should assign Attribute Names in almost every case.
The Import CSV File option can optionally Auto Create Point Attributes from columns not defined in the Template file.
Field Observations
When reading an SDR33 compatible file into a Session, GeoSurvey will read '13AT', '13TS' and '13NM' records as Name, Value attributes.
These attributes will be copied to the Points during Reduction which compute the Point positions and inserts them into the job.
Attributes Display
The Display Settings/Display Point Attributes option displays all the Attribute Names used in the job on all points and allows you to turn their display on or off.
You can also control the display of point attributes by a Layer tick box.
IMPORTANT! This 'display' setting usually control whether the Attribute text will be exported to say DXF, MapInfo and ESRI Shape files.
Editing Point Attributes
- The Points/Point Functions/Add Point Extra Attributes option can add an attribute to all selected points.
- The Points/Point Functions/Change Attributes option can add, delete or change an attribute to all selected points.
- The Points/Point Functions/Add Attribute Suffix option can add a Prefix or Suffix to the Value for all matching points.
DXF Export
For DXF Exports the Attributes can be written as 'ATTRIB' blocks so that transfer to AutoCAD as genuine Point Attributes.